Election Information
Board of Trustee elections are held in May. School Board members are elected to a three-year term of office. Board Policies BBB(LOCAL) and BBB(LEGAL) provide information on terms and election schedules. Candidate eligibility requirements are listed in Election Code Section 141.001 and Board Policy BBA(LEGAL).
See Board Policy BBBA(LEGAL) for information on conducting elections.
May 2025 Election Information
Canvassed Election Results
For information regarding School Board Trustee elections, contact the Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations.
Matt Adams
Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations
Email Matt Adams
300 Roe Street, Azle, TX 76020
Helpful Websites
Texas Election Code - Sections 141.001 (eligibility requirements) and 141.0031 (application requirements)
Texas Election Code Section 254.0401 - (requirement to post campaign finance reports)
Texas Ethics Commission - The Texas Ethics Commission assists with Texas's political advertising/campaigning process. The Commission may be contacted at 800-735-2989 or 512-463-5800.
Texas Secretary of State - The Secretary of State serves as the Chief Election Officer for the state of Texas, assisting county election officials and ensuring the uniform application and interpretation of election laws throughout the state. This office may be contacted at 800-252-VOTE(8683) or 512-463-5650.
Vote.org - Provides election tools, deadlines, dates, rules, and links.
VoteTexas.gov - The Texas Secretary of State created this site to provide election information such as where to vote, what to bring, what the process is like, and much more, in a user-friendly format. This site also provides information on becoming a registered voter in Texas.
Texas Department of Transportation - The Texas Department of Transportation provides information regarding the placement of campaign signs in relation to the highway and public land. This office may be contacted at 512-416-3030.